Thursday, 31 October 2013

Halloween is upon this sleepy hamlet, 
rain dabbles on the roof, 
wait for a clearing day to venture, 
wearing our waterproofs.

 Thinking of starting a tramping group in the top end of the coast, 
perfect venue ... Kahurangi National Park.

 Any thoughts how I can go about this ?

  friends interested to join the walks, greatly received.

 Dust off your boots, shake out your packs

Beard Foot Tramping Club

Just an Idea?

Thursday, 24 October 2013

 weekend excursion.

    We are so looking forward to a weekend away to walk the Heaphy Track, a Great Walk in the Kahurangi National Park.

 Novice trampers need equipment, some new, other items used, well worn boots for comfort, good raincoat, first aid kit, warm sleeping bag and a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, dried fruit, nuts and chocolate and whatever else you desire to carry.

  Day one to complete 17 km journey to the Heaphy Hut, our home for two nights. 
Where we may explore surroundings, fish for dinner, swim if we feel the urge or just be ... unwind before a busy season and experience the outdoors.

 Training the body and mind to live in nature, listen and feel the environment, seek shelter, forage and gather, survival experience. lessons to be learnt.

 3 weeks to train ...